Member-only story
The Northeast Better Take Out Their Masks Again
Take it from someone who used to live in Beijing
This week is giving me some Beijing flashbacks! I’m checking the weather for an AQI reading, I’m looking through my mask supply to see if I need more, and I’m starting to wonder if I need an air purifier at the house.
So far, the AQI hasn’t been bad enough to prompt me to start looking for air purifiers, but keep in mind I’m in Northern Michigan. People in the Northeast have a different experience.
If you’re living under a rock, here’s what’s happening. Canada’s been experiencing wildfires, and it’s affecting the air in the Northeastern US. Over the weekend, there was a forest fire in Grayling, Michigan, and Northern Michigan experienced some air quality issues, too.
As someone who spent six years living in Beijing and experienced horrible air pollution, here are some things I learned.
Don’t Get Rid Of Your Masks Yet
Some of you burned your masks long ago, but I’m here to tell you that you jumped the gun. Nobody had wildfires on their 2023 Bingo Card, but here we are!
If you have surgical masks, don’t bother with those. You’re better off with N95 masks. If you get one with an air filter, even better. Hospital…